Intervalid DPMS

Data protection management software for external data protection officers & GDPR consultants

Valid EU-wide | Swiss DSG | Multilingual | Client & corporate compatible

Intervalid DPMS actively supports you in the legally compliant implementation of your clients' projects. The latest technology, excellent usability and a structured design are the foundation for a fast and efficient GDPR implementation. All required process steps are mapped per client, with the respective clients separated from each other on the system. Multi-client capability means you can provide professional support for all your clients, enabling you to easily define roles and assign rights.

How you can work with your clients:

  • Edit checklists and sample templates
  • Identify, assess and report risks
  • Allocate and process tasks
  • Manage data subject rights
  • Create and distribute reports

Regular monitoring enables you to maintain an overview of your clients' projects and be prepared for audits at all times. Reports created in just one click enable you to fulfill your duty to provide information. Regular software updates keep you up to date with the latest technological and legal developments - throughout the EU. This both saves you time and significantly increases safety and efficiency.

Contact us for a live demo, a free trial account or your personalized offer.

Client references and testimonials

Questionnaires and forms
Obtain a broad overview

Questionnaires can be used to obtain important information from your client quickly and efficiently. In addition, they can aid you in documenting security incidents and impact assessments and customized questionnaires can be created specifically for your needs. Forms are helpful when introducing new systems or making changes to existing processes. These can be transferred directly into the record.

Intervalid DSMS Fragebögen und Ersterhebung
Intervalid DSMS Verzeichnis der Verarbeitungstätigkeiten

Record of processing activities
Display processing in a structured way

Map processing operations as a structured record, with each processor able to access a list of the activities they have performed. For a quicker set-up, sample templates can be used for routine processing activities carried out by the company, or data can be imported from an Excel file. If necessary, the record can be copied for other branches or offices. The record is clearly laid-out, multilingual and easy to use, as well as offering customizable selection options.

Follow-up checks
Keep the record of processing activities up to date

Employees of the respective department can report new processes or changes to existing systems. These are then forwarded for approval and updated in the record. A workflow is also available to you and your clients, to enable an annual review of the record. This ensures that the record is kept up to date on an ongoing basis.

Intervalid DSMS Nachkontrolle
Intervalid DSMS technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen

Technical and organizational measures
Ensure the security of the processing operations

Every company must implement technical and organizational measures to ensure that a level of protection appropriate to the risk is in place. The software offers you a simple way to achieve this: Select a sample template, adapt it if necessary and assign it to the processing activity. Subsequent changes or additions to the technical and organizational measures are immediately updated in the record.

Impact assessment
Recognize a heightened risk

This allows you to check whether an elevated risk exists in relation to the rights and freedoms of the natural persons concerned in the respective data processing. Assess the risk directly in the system and document the assessment. A blacklist and whitelist are available to assist you. Any impact assessment carried out is linked directly to the processing activity and can thus be retrieved at any time.

Intervalid DSMS Folgeabschätzung
Intervalid DSMS Checklisten

Compliance checklists
How compliant is the company?

To ensure that you meet all legal requirements, you or your clients need to be able to evidence knowledge about data protection issues by answering questions. To do this, there are legally compliant, customizable checklists that you can use. Relevant documents are stored centrally in a separate area, and these can be made available to your clients.

Identify potential vulnerabilities

An audit can be used to determine whether the requirements of the GDPR are being met in the company. Risks can be quickly identified and further measures for compliance can be stored in the system. The completed checklists can serve as a basis for the audit.

Intervalid DSMS Audit
Intervalid Lieferantenaudit

Supplier audit
Check processors and suppliers

Supplier audits are used to check new or existing suppliers and order processors in terms of information security compliance. The details of the contact person at the business partner will be entered and stored in the system and you can then send them a questionnaire or fill it out internally. After this has been returned, you can distribute tasks as required and complete the audit. Finally, a date can be set for the next audit.

Tasks workflow
For an efficient process workflow

If a risk has been identified during data processing, a corresponding task can be created within the software, including a description of the risk, the name of the responsible person and a deadline. The responsible user can process the task directly in the system. Each responsible person has their own task list, and the current project status can be ascertained by means of a traffic light system.

Intervalid ISMS Aufgaben
Intervalid DSMS Reports

Fulfill the duty to provide information in the click of a button

As part of the duty to provide information in accordance with the GDPR, you have certain obligations toward data subjects. These include supplying them with any requested information, transparently and on demand, within the scope of the legal requirements. Using the report function, you can obtain all information in the click of a button, either as a PDF or a CSV file. The well-structured and clear presentation of data within the system will also assist you in carrying out internal evaluations.

Data subject rights workflow
Fulfill requests quickly

Establish internal workflows to ensure full and timely compliance with data subject rights. These workflows will assist your clients in carrying out proper implementation: The request is recorded, including all relevant information, a workflow is commenced and the data subject is informed of the outcome in a timely manner.

Intervalid DSMS Betroffenenrechte
Intervalid ISMS Workflow Sicherheitsvorfall

Security incident workflow
Respond properly to security incidents

Establish a process to respond properly to security incidents: Record the key data, analyze the incident using a questionnaire, inform all relevant departments in a timely manner, and take preventive measures.

Surveys and monitoring
Ascertain level of knowledge of those within the organization

Obtain information about the current knowledge level of your client via a template survey or a customized one. Simply upload contacts into the system via CSV import and send the survey out. Once the survey has been completed, Intervalid DPMS produces a clear summary of the results, allowing you to see where there might be gaps in the client's knowledge.

Intervalid DSMS Umfragen und Bestätigungen
Intervalid DSMS Schulungen

E-learning for your clients & course management

Manage your clients' employees and their ongoing training directly in the system: Create training courses and receive clear reports on the results. Intervalid DPMS also offers e-learning courses from experts in the field of data protection. The online training is suitable for all people who work with personal data.

Document templates
Easily created online

Create templates for corporate documents such as privacy reports, policies, procedure descriptions, contracts and more. Numerous formatting options are available for this purpose and you can also use variables to automatically insert content into the document. The documents can then be forwarded to the responsible user for editing or approval. In this way, you are able to manage company documents centrally, are aware of their status, and can make them available to your clients.

Intervalid Unternehmensdokumente
Intervalid DSMS laufende Pflege

Ongoing maintenance
For long-term data protection management

The requirements of the GDPR represent an ongoing process in the company. With Intervalid DPMS, you can build up your client's data protection management on a long-term basis, optimize it continuously and maintain it in compliance with the law. Processing activities, TOMs and contact persons always remain up to date. All changes are logged and the status can be viewed at any time, which means you are always prepared for audits.

Intervalid DPMS - the ideal partner for your data protection management

Get in touch to experience the benefits of Intervalid DPMS!

Intervalid DSMS -
der idealer Partner für Ihr Datenschutzmanagement

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We look forward to receiving your enquiry and are available:
Monday to Thursday from 08:30 am to 5:00 pm
and Fridays from 08:30 am to 3:00 pm.